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Bona Dea - Wikipedia
Bona Dea was a goddess in ancient Roman religion. She was associated with chastity and fertility among married Roman women, healing, and the protection of the state and people of Rome. According to Roman literary sources, she was brought from Magna Graecia at some time during the early or middle … See more
Bona Dea ("The Good Goddess") is a name, an honorific title and a respectful pseudonym; the goddess' true or cult name is unknown. Her other, less common names or … See more
The Temple of Bona Dea in Rome was situated on a lower slope of the northeastern Aventine Hill, beneath the height known as Saxum, southeast of the Circus Maximus. … See more
Bona Dea's is the only known festival in which women could gather at night, drink strong, sacrificial-grade wine and perform a blood sacrifice. … See more
Republican era
The known features of Bona Dea's cults recall those of various earth and fertility goddesses of the Graeco-Roman world, especially the Thesmophoria festival to Demeter. They included nocturnal rites conducted by … See moreDespite the exclusively female, aristocratic connections claimed by Cicero for her winter festival at Rome and her high status as a protecting deity … See more
• Delplace, Christiane (2019). "Cultes féminins dans l'Adriatique romaine : autour de Bona Dea". In Christiane, Delplace; Tassaux, Francis … See more
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Bona Dea | Roman Religion, Mystery Cult, Fertility | Britannica
Bona Dea was a Roman deity associated with fertility and women. She had a Greek cult and a temple on the Aventine Hill, where only women were allowed to attend her rituals.
The Bona Dea Scandal: How a women's only event …
Learn how a women-only festival of Bona Dea, a Roman goddess of fertility and healing, was disrupted by a man in disguise in 62 BC. Discover how the scandal affected Julius Caesar's political career and his marriage to Pompeia, and how …
Bona Dea Goddess: Unveiling the Secrets of the …
Learn about Bona Dea, an ancient Roman goddess of chastity, fertility, healing, and protection of Rome. Discover her cult, temple, rituals, festivals, and scandalous incident involving Clodius.
Bona Dea | Facts, Information, and Mythology - Encyclopedia …
Mar 3, 1997 · Bona Dea was a chaste and prophetic divinity, worshiped only by women, who celebrated her festival on May 1 with wine and serpents. She was identified with various Greek …
Bona Dea, 'the Good Goddess' | Oxford Classical Dictionary
Bona Dea was an Italian goddess, worshipped especially in Rome and Latium, with an annual nocturnal ceremony for the welfare of the Roman people. Learn about her title, uncertain …
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Bona Dea: The Roman Goddess of Chastity and …
Nov 19, 2023 · Bona Dea was a Roman goddess of chastity, fertility, healing, and protection. She was worshipped exclusively by women in secret rites that involved wine and blood-sacrifice. Her true name was Fauna, but it was forbidden to be …
May 1, 62BC The Scandal of the Bona Dea – …
May 1, 2019 · Scandal broke out on this day in 62BC, when the aforementioned meathead, the politician Publius Clodius Pulcher, dressed as a woman and sneaked into the Bona Dea festival bent on seducing Pompeia, the wife of …
Feast of Bona Dea - IMPERIUM ROMANUM
Dec 3, 2020 · The feast of Bona Dea ("Good Goddess") was celebrated on May 1 or at the beginning of December (probably on December 3). It was a Roman festival in honour of the Roman agrarian god, Bona Dea, daughter of Faunus.
Temple of Bona Dea - Wikipedia
The Temple of Bona Dea was an ancient sanctuary in Aventine Hill of Ancient Rome, erected the 3rd century BC and dedicated to the goddess Bona Dea. [1] The date of the foundation is …
Bona Dea - Encyclopedia.com
Aug 24, 2016 · Bona Dea (bō´nə dē´ə), in Roman religion, ancient fertility goddess worshiped only by women; also called Fauna. She was said to be the daughter, sister, or wife of Faunus [1]. …
The Cult of Bona Dea – Women in Antiquity - WordPress.com
Nov 27, 2018 · The cult of Bona Dea was one of many religious organizations that rose to prominence during the Roman Republican era, although it remained popular well into the …
Bona Dea (Fauna) - Classical Mythology - timelessmyths.com
Bona Dea, meaning "Good Goddess," also known as Fauna, was revered as the goddess of women, vegetation, and fertility in Roman mythology. Excluding men, her temple on the …
Bona Dea - NovaRoma
Two Sanctuaries of Bona Dea at Ostia; temple plans, wonderful wall paintings, inscriptions, and photos of the temple ruins.
The Bona Dea, the Good Goddess - Thalia Took
The Bona Dea is a very ancient and holy Roman Goddess of women and healing, Who was worshipped exclusively by women. Her true name is sometimes said to be Fauna, which …
Bona Dea | Myth and Folklore Wiki | Fandom
Bona Dea (Latin: [ˈbɔna ˈdɛ.a]; 'Good Goddess') was a goddess in ancient Roman religion. She was associated with chastity [citation needed] and fertility in Roman women, healing, and the …
Lauterbourg Map - Village - Arrondissement of Haguenau
Lauterbourg is a commune and Bas-Rhin department in the Grand Est administrative region in north-eastern France. Situated on the German border and not far from the German city of …
Lauterbourg Map - Locality - Arrondissement of Haguenau
Lauterbourg is a locality in Arrondissement of Haguenau, Bas-Rhin, Grand Est. Lauterbourg is situated nearby to Berg and Bel-Air. Mapcarta, the open map.
Au Bord du Rhin Map - Restaurant - Lauterbourg, Grand Est, France
Au Bord du Rhin is a restaurant in Lauterbourg, Arrondissement of Haguenau, Grand Est which is located on Port du Rhin. Au Bord du Rhin is situated nearby to Le banc de Napoléon, as well …
Le banc de Napoléon Map - Lauterbourg, Grand Est, France
Le banc de Napoléon is in Lauterbourg, Arrondissement of Haguenau, Grand Est. Mapcarta, the open map.